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Introducing Two PBPs

22 9:12:06

Hi Patty,
You were so helpful with my last question, I have another one for you.  Porkahontas (6 month old not-yet-spayed female) seems to be fascinated with my new little guy, 8 week old Arnold Ziffel.  I am keeping Arnold in a small barn where he is separated by a gate across the front.  Porkahontas is in an enclosure (80' x 100') with 5 young fainting goats.  They all get along great!  She spends a lot of time just standing at the gate to Arnold's barn where she can see him.  They have touched snouts but that is the most contact they have had.  The first day, which was just 3 days ago, I did note some snapping from her but I have not seen that since.

I was not planning to introduce my two pigs until Arnold was a bit older and bigger.  However, I am wondering if it would be ok to try introducing them now?  Arnold has not yet been neutered, we are waiting for the "sign" of the moon to be right which will be January 25.  Is he fertile at 8 weeks and if so, would he try to breed a much bigger pig?  The last thing I want is babies, these 2 are just pets, I do not plan to ever breed.

Interactions between them will be done only under strict supervision and when I am not out there with them, Arnold will go back into his barn.

Thanks so much for your help!

I believe you should wait until Arnold is neutered and has time to heal well.   It takes from two weeks to a month after they are neutered  for the males to see the total effects from the neuter.
Let them get acquainted through the fence for a while longer.
They could still have a spat or two but I have never had one actually hurt the other one.  They are tough little animals and in the wild they would would work out their differences on their own.
The male will submit as he is the youngest and the newcomer.
Good luck,