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pot bellied pig teeth growth and loss

22 9:16:08

We have rescued a female pot bellied pig a couple months ago. We were told that she will be a year old this summer. The last couple days she seems to be gagging and throwing up a bit, but doesn't seem to be in any distress. We thought maybe she ate too much grass (she gets to be outside a lot). But she she seems to be gagging on her pig feed (a couple hours after she ate and after she has grazed).  I just looked in her mouth (as best as she would let me) and she has 2 very small top front teeth, 3 one inch long (one missing in between) on the bottom front, very few on the sides - a few just skinny pointy things?? Is this normal? Is she loosing her "baby teeth"? I'm very worried.

Pot Bellied Pigs  will loose their teeth several times in the first years and a half.
This is normal.  Most of them have crooked teeth on the bottom also.
You can look up pictures of Pot
bellied pig teeth on the Internet and compare your pig to the pictures.
Too much grazing is not healthy for your Pot Bellied Pig.
Especially this time of year as the protein levels are very high and is way too high for them.
Good Luck,