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Redness on penis

22 9:16:13

I am a new mother to a 4 week old piglet. He is pink and gray in color. I have noticed his penis has been a reddish pink color, and now a bit crusty. Is this a scab or just crust? It doesn't seam to bother him. Could he have an infection or is this normal stuff?

It could be any number of things. I am assuming he is not neutered yet.

Male pigs reach sexual maturity at the tender age of 8 weeks. Male pigs secrete a smelly fluid that female pigs find irresistible. Most humans think the smell is awful. Male pigs also foam at the mouth and hump anything and everything.

Intact male pigs often have the penis extended. This can cause all sorts of problems, from rashes to infections to injury. Pigs can - and do! - step on it with sometimes disastrous results.

Signs of infection are deep redness, swelling and difficulty urinating. The last symptom is the most urgent and requires immediate vet care, because if the bladder can not empty it may burst.

I suggest getting him neutered as soon as possible. Neutered males do not hump and seldom extend the penis. In the meantime, try washing his belly with a warm, soft cloth a couple of times a day, to keep the dirt off.