Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Bacon wont eat!!

Bacon wont eat!!

22 9:12:59


this is Bacon!
Hello. I have a 14 week old male pot belly pig that I got for free from some people. They told me that they had him off the bottle and if they put applesauce in the feed he would eat it. Unfortunately he does not eat the feed he just sucks all the applesauce off of it. What can I do to get him eating? They said they fed him pop tarts and lots of junk food and he will eat raisins for me but I want him to eat his feed because it is healthier for him. I have mixed it with milk and that doesnt work either! HELP!!

Your piglet needs to be on pig starter chow.  Apples sauce has too much sugar and not enough nutrition for any pig.
The best feed for your piglet is Infinity Plus Starter Chow.  It will give your piglet all of his nutritional needs.  If he only has his feed and water he will eventually eat.  He will not starve....he is just a bit spoiled!

After he is eating his chow well you can offer a few veggies a snacks.
Go to the product page and check out their other products also.
Hope this helps,