Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Breaking my chairs

Breaking my chairs

22 9:16:38

I have a 1 year old pot bellied pig and he likes to knock over kitchen chairs, move the table to the other side of the room. The lamp he keeps knocking over is now put behind a closed door when I go out. Energy saver light bulbs aren't cheap. He gets a lot of attention. I am home most of the time. I try to snuggle on the couch with him every day for at least 1 hour before I start my house work. When I finish I spend more time with him. He is very loving and gentle. We are planning of getting new table and chairs and don't want piggy to knock them over. Can I give him "pig b calm" 1 hour before I go out or do I have to give it to him at bed time the night before? How can I teach him not to do these things is i'm not home.

Thank you,

In order to train him when you are not home, you must train him when you ARE at home.
Say NO with a firm tap on the nose.
We suggest our book, Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training at
We suggest training him tricks, your pig is bored.
Otherwise, you must pig proof your home or put him in a pen or outside.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine