Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > train my pig

train my pig

22 9:18:31


I have just purchased a miniature pot belly pig after hearing how easy they are to litter train but no matter what I do I cannot get her to use her litter box, everyday when I get back from work I find the she has gone where ever she wants. what can I do to make her use the litter box and ONLY the litter box?? please help me, I love my pig but if I can't fix this I will have to get rid of her.

thanx Brandon

The biggest mistake that most new pig owners do is to let there piglet have to much freedom too soon!
Your piglet needs to e in a small area with litter box at one end feed, water and blankets at the other end.
Don't let the piglet out until you see it using the litter box and then only for short periods of time.  
You should keep a leash on it when you home with it so you can catch it easily and put it into the litter box every 30 minutes or so.  Make it stay there until it goes Potty.  After it goes it gets phrases and let to have some freedom.  You need to be consistent.
If you write to me at I can send you a picture of how I set my pen up.
Hope this helps,