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Runy nose

22 9:14:41

We got a 2 month old potbelly a few days ago and she has had a runny nose since.She sneezes occasionally but has alot of drainage.It is clear fluid.She is eating and drinking normally,her stools were normal when we first got her but the past few days it has been getting looser and is not "berry" like more log like.She also has had some gas.The food she is on is the stuff we got from the breeder.Thanks

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

A change in diet can cause a change in stools. Is she getting more treats or vegetables? Some people think that drinking different water can make baby animals sick, just like a sudden change in diet. Exposure to all the new smells indoors may be causing the nasal discharge.

If piggy was bottle fed, she may have aspirated or inhaled some of the formula. This can cause nasal discharge, respiratory infections, and left untreated, could turn into fatal pneumonia.

Moving to a new home is stressful. Piggy has been taken from everything she's ever known into a strange new place with strange new people. Stress weakens the immune system, and piggy may get sick. E. coli, a nasty bacteria, is usually the culprit, although pot-bellied pigs can get H1N1.

The danger signs are lack of appetite, listlessness, fever, severe diarrhea, or bleeding. If your piglet experiences any of these, get her to a vet at once.

If she continues to be energetic, eating and drinking and pottying, then it's probably ok to wait a few days and see what happens. But if the diarrhea gets worse, or the nasal drainage turns cloudy or foul smelling, get her to a vet.

There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs here