Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Juliani/Teacup/Micro ?

Juliani/Teacup/Micro ?

22 9:19:03

Most of the breeders say this is just a term in comparison of a 1000 pound pig. But how small are pet pigs available?...My biggest pet is my miniature Beagle and I'm trying to find a nice small pig, what with the risk of a Potbelly turning up 125 pounds.

Any information and known breeders around California would be greatly appreciated!

Pigs do not reach full size until they are four or five years old.
Juliani pigs are actually a bit larger than pot-bellied or "Vietnamese" pot-bellied pigs. Most American pbp are a mix of small Asian swine.
"Miniature", "Micro", and "Teacup" pigs are small in comparison to their 800+ lb farm hog cousins. The average weight of a full grown miniature pig of any breed is 120 lb, and the size of a medium dog.
Even small pigs need plenty of room to run and root. Pigs of any size should not be kept as apartment pets.
The California Pot Bellied Pig Association can provide you with more information, including local sanctuaries and rescues. Most welcome visitors and it is an excellent opportunity to experience these wonderful animals first hand.