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Pig Training, Help!

22 9:15:14

I have two male pot bellied pigs approx. 5 months old and I have a few questions I'm hoping you can help with. I'm having a hard time potty training them (they're litter box trained). At first they were confined to the living room and seemed to be trained, so then they were given run of the kitchen and livingroom. All of a sudden, they've started peeing anywhere but their litter box! So I've confined them back into the living room but the behavior is still there where they are peeing on the floor. Do you have any suggestions
Also, how do you stop them from screaming? I've tried ignoring as well as well as spraying them with a water bottle#heard about it from another site) but NOTHING seems to be working. Any advice you could give me would really help!!! Could I be having this much trouble because I am raising two piglets?

When do pigs start controlling their bladder and bowel movements? I find that Henry and Oliver tend to go to the bathroom a lot and I wondered if this is normal since they're still young?

Thanks for taking the time to read my e-mail and help! Its really appreciated!


Hello Tammy,
First of all I am assuming that both your male piglets are Neutered.
My piglets are all started in the litterbox when they are born.
I then put them in a no larger than 4 foot by 4 foot Pen for several more months with their litter box, bedding and feed and water.
They then should only be out of the pen when you are playing or training them and then no more than 45 mins to an hour without being put back in until you se them use the litter box again.
At five month they are still too young to hold their pee and BM's for very long.
Two males will also compete and mark their territory just like dogs will.
What and how much you feed has a lot to do with this also.

As I don't know the details please I can't help you on this.
I would also need to know how much they weigh.
Separate litter boxes sometimes help also.
It is much better to get one piglet and get it started well and then add another one.
Hope this helps,