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piggie temper tantrum

22 9:17:27


Laying on the chair
hi there. My name is Nicole. I have had Penelope for 3 weeks now. She was 4 weeks when I bought her. She is a good pig but for the past week, I have had problems with her. She is potty trained for outside and this seemed pretty easy to do. This tells me I can train her, I just have no idea where to start.

I have given her a room and keep her in there over night while we sleep. During the day, I either leave her in her pen outside or may bring her with me to work 1 or 2 days a week ( I am a teacher and the kids love her). Right before dark, I bring her into the house and that is when our problems seem to begin. I think she is bored because she will tump over the trash can, TEAR KEYS OFF MY LAP TOP, just mess stuff up. I do not want to lock her up right when she comes in because I want to sit with her when she eats at night and I want to spend time with her. So, how do I stop this behavior? I have toys for her...but I think she is bored unless she is eating. I even poked holes in a water bottle and filled it with pellets for her. She likes it and will long as the pellets last :) then she is done.

Also, when she can't get her way she screams! If I have to loosen her harness, she screams. If she does not want to go into her room, she screams. I have no idea how to train this type of behavior because saying no seems to have no impact. I have tried to out last her screaming, but she will not stop until she gets her way, especially if I have to hold her for any reason from walking. Last week, the harness came off and she jerked and screamed so badly that my husband had to hold her for me to put it back on because she head butted me in the face and busted my lip. I was told not to leave it on, but if I take it off, it is war getting it back on! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Awww, she is so sweet! There is no way I can answer all your questions in our limit of 200 letters.
Potbellied pigs should not be taken away from mom before 5-8 weeks. The sow teaches the pigs both survival and social skills. Your piglet is bored, and may be spoiled. We DEFININATLY suggest teaching sit and spin, and other behaviors so the pig has a challenge.
Screams happen when a pig gets a reaction from you. The best way to stop that is to put the pig on a strict daily routine......snacks, feedings, and naps happen at the same time every day. NEVER feed a screaming pig, IGNORE them!
She needs boundaries set up, pigs have a pecking order, and she is acting dominant!
PLEASE consider our book, every one of these issues is addressed.....
you do not want a 150# spoiled pig!
Thanks for writing, you can research buying our book at
Priscilla Valentine