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Female Pot Bellied Pig Medical Needs

22 9:12:56

HI, what annual medical needs does a female pig require?

It depends on the pig and location.

In some places and situations, annual vaccines are recommended. In other situations, they are not needed. A house pig or two, living in a typical suburban setting with a typical family, probably does not need any annual vaccines, because the chance of exposure to swine diseases is very small. On the other hand, a pig living in a place where Leptospirosis is present in the soil should get an annual vaccine for that. Or, pigs living in rural setting where they may come in contact with farm hogs or wild swine may need vaccines for any prevalent diseases. And, in some communities, a rabies vaccine is required by law. Your veterinarian can advise you about what vaccines, if any are recommended in your area and for pets in your setting.

Hooves may or may not need trimming. A pig with good legs that spends an adequate amount of time walking on gravel, rough concrete or asphalt may not need any hoof trims. Pigs with slightly "off" legs, or indoor pigs that spend most of their time on carpet or outdoors on grassy lawns will need trimming, possibly as often as twice a year.

For your first pig, it's a good idea to get a yearly physical for the first few years, even in you live in an area where no vaccines are needed. Your vet will monitor the piggy's growth, and look for potential problems like knock knees that may need extra attention.