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Is my potbelly pig depressed?

22 9:14:08

Our potbelly pig Daisy-Mae is 9 months old, we just brought home a new puppy two days ago. Since then all Daisy wantes to do is sleep. this is really odd for her. She doesnt want to go play out side or eat. could she be depressed about me being with the new puppy? If so what are some thing i can do to make this better for Daisy?
Thank you

A new addition to the family changes the family dynamics and will affect your piggy. Piggies see the world as a ladder, and every person or pig has his spot on the ladder. Piggy will want the puppy to be on a lower "rung". So, often the problem becomes the pig bullying the puppy.

But it should NOT cause your pig to loose her appetite. Any time a pig does not eat, it's probably very serious. Food is very important to pigs! If her appetite does not return quickly, she'll need to see a vet. She may have an infected tooth, an ulcer, or the flu.