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flinching pig

22 9:14:18

My pig, which is 11 months old has recently started flinching. He does this only at night, and sometimes squeals as if it is uncomfortable when he flinches. During this time he seems frightened by any sudden movement. At first I thought it was hiccups, but not so. Have you ever heard of this? Do you think it's something I should be concerned about? There has been no other change in behavior.

Pigs dream when they sleep, is it possible that he's dreaming? Sudden movement might startle him because it wakes him from sleep.

Another possibility is scent or odor, usually from a perfume or scented hygiene product. It doesn't happen with every pig. When sensitive pigs smell a particular odor (for example, when a perfume is sprayed), they drop to the ground, roll or rub, and may make strange squeaking noises. The first time this happens, pig owners often think their pig is having a seizure! But the pig recovers quickly with no lasting effects. The scent of a room air freshener might cause the same thing.

A third possibility is Dippity Pig. This is a frightening, but not serious, skin condition. It comes on suddenly, and disappears just as quickly. Most cases last for 24 - 48 hours. None last longer than 72 hours. Some last only over night. The pig acts as if he is in pain, "dipping" or dropping his rear. Sometimes, welts or sores appear on the back or side. In severe cases, these sores ooze pink. It usually happens in young pigs under age 3, in springtime. It may affect older pigs, or appear at other times of the year if the pig is stressed.

There are other possibilities, but a vet would need to examine piggy to be sure. If the symptoms get worse or more frequent or happen at all hours, it's time to take piggy to a vet.