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large red bumbs on potbellied pig

22 9:16:02


Bump on Pig
I have a 9 week old potbellied pig. She is indoors because she was hand raised from a bottle. She gets outside time every day for about 2 hours. Today I let her stay out a little longer. When she came in she looked a little sun burnt on top and have big red bumps under her legs and on the lower part of her back leg, in between the back legs on her belly as well. They are verry large, red and hard to the touch. They have what appears to be puss in the center of them and a light scratch on the top as well. What is this? How can I treet it? I put A&D ointment on the burn and topical Benadryll lotion on the bumps. I am verry worried. Please help. This pic doesn't show it verry good, she wont let me near them much.

I am not a vet and I can't make a diagnosis over the internet.

Adult pigs have naturally tough skin but baby pigs have very soft skin. The spots behind the ears, the belly, and the inside of the upper leg are usually the trouble spots.

Rashes generally develop in a pattern, where the irritant touched the skin. Bug bites are more isolated and random.

I am guessing that these are bug bites. Ask your vet if tick borne illnesses are a big problem in your area. If not, then continue to treat the bites with any good remedy (Benadryll is fine), and keep an eye on them until they heal.

If the bumps become infected, or a bulls eye rash develops around a bite, or your vet expresses concern about tick borne illness, your pig may need to see the vet to determine exactly what the bumps are, and get any necessary vaccinations.

To prevent more bites apply an insect repellent when piggy goes outside. Any insect repellent that works on people is ok to use on pigs. I like to drop the container of repellent (pump spray or lotion) into a bowl of hot water for a minute or two so it's warm when applied to the pigs - pigs dislike cold lotion and sprays!