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Potbelly pig health

22 9:18:35

Hello, perhaps your experience can shed some light on this
situation...recently my 1 1/2 yr old potbelly pig had a runny nose and his
oink started to change so (after consulting a vet and several people familiar
with pigs) I went ahead with a shot of penicillin. About an hour or so later, I
noticed he was shaking. I gave him more blankets, and he layed down. Then
about another hour later he began vomiting and eliminating frequently. He
wouldn't take any water offered to him. He got the shakes again, and I put
even more blankets on him. 5 hours later and he is still sleeping and seems
to be breathing rapidly. I wish I could help him feel better! I'm a truly freaked
out mom! Any insight is greatly appreciated!

I am not a vet, but I can say this pig needs to see one in person. Pigs rarely vomit. He may have accidentally eaten something poisonous, a vet will be able to tell from blood tests what is actually wrong.
In the meantime, keep him warm and hydrated by offering him water with fruit juice or goats milk.