Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > When To Tolerate Screaming.

When To Tolerate Screaming.

22 9:12:45

Dear Helen:

Hello!  I hope you are well.  I have a question concerning my four month old Juliana piglet. I have read several pig behavior books which advise persuading the pig and shaping his behavior incrementally with food rewards.  This works when teaching him tricks, leash training, being picked up and cuddled, etc.  However, some things cause him to react unfavorably regardless of what I try to do.  For example, he screams loudly and violently struggles when being lightly sprayed with skin topicals like Derma Klenz from Heartland, and when wiping his face.  I try spraying him while handfeeding him, but he really upsets himself and I do not want to cause undue stress.  He is not keen on being bathed also, even though my husband helps me by gently holding him while I hand feed him treats.  When I am finished, he goes on his merry way as if nothing happened, but my nerves are shot, wondering if I am doing the wrong thing.  At what point should I ignore the screaming and struggling and do what is needed to help my piggy?  How much stress is too much?  I am trying very hard to be a good Mama, and worry that I am causing harm.  Thank you in advance for any advice you may offer.

God bless,


Pigs can be pig headed. They're also smart and stubborn. Sometimes making simple changes avoids a lot of problems, other times the only solution is to keep working at it until piggy learns that screaming does no good.

Pigs don't like cold anything applied to their bodies. Warm up lotions like sunscreen, bug spray, or moisturizer by putting the bottle in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. Use a warm cloth to wash his face and feet.

Consistency and frequency are two other keys. If something happens several times a day, at specific times, piggy will adapt. For example, wipe off his face before (or after) every meal, and wipe off his feet every time he comes indoors, or goes into a specific room. Ignore any screaming, work quickly to keep any struggling to a minimum. After a long while, piggy will realize that nothing is going to change. He may grumble and complain, but the serious screaming and struggling should stop.

Rituals like bathing are a little harder because they happen less often. First, try to reduce the struggling. Sponge baths can be less stressful than a tub bath or shower. Ue warm water and do it in a warm room so piggy doesn't get a chill. Work quickly, ignore the struggling as much as possible and totally ignore the screaming. Do not offer treats as long as piggy is screaming. If piggy stops screaming, even for an instant, then offer the treats.

Keep in mind that it takes a lot of breath to scream as loud as a pig. Piggies that are in distress, gasping and panting, can't scream as loud. It is stressful for piggies to be restrained, they hate it, but they can be taught to tolerate it.