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Aggressive female in season

22 9:13:18

We have a 4 1/2 month old intact female and a neutered male from the same litter.  The both have been extremely sweet indoor/ outdoor pets, litter box trained, great with all our other animals dogs, cats, parrot etc.  Just yesterday the female started charging me, the dogs, and the kids, jumping on the dogs and trying to bite them, lunging at the kids, while they were sitting on the coach, trying to bite them. Thank God the dogs put  up with it and haven't fought back.  They just move away from her and we intervene of coarse.  My question is, will this behavior continue if we don't spay her or can we work on training this out of her? We did start teaching her more tricks to try to over come this behavior.  What is your opinion of all this? Could we get this to stop?

Female pig usually have their first heat between 4 and 6 months of age. Your pig is exhibiting typical heat behavior. She may also "forget" her potty training, or pick one person or animal and "fall in love".

Sticking to a steady routine and training will help control some of the behavior. But, your piggy has no control over the hormones that flood her system and guide her urges. And, unfortunately, this piggy PMS will continue to get worse until she's a full adult at age 2 or so.

Spaying really is the best solution. It eliminates her discomfort and any chance of accidental pregnancy or uterine tumors or infection.

There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs here