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dry itchy skin

22 9:11:47

my mini potbelly pig has really dry itchy skin, she is itching almost all of the time and she is really red under her belly and on her legs. What should I do?

Pigs have naturally dry, itchy skin, and they get even itchier and flakier when they are shedding or "blowing their coat". But, their skin should not be excessively itchy, it should not be red or orange, and it should not be raw or have open sores.

The biggest cause of skin problems is mange. Mange is caused by a tiny mite that lives only on pigs. The mite eggs take about two weeks to hatch. The first dose of medicine will kill all the living mites, but won't affect the eggs. So another dose is needed two weeks later to kill any mites that hatched after the first dose. In severe cases, three or more doses may be needed.

Your vet can identify mange mites by taking a skin scraping and looking at it under a microscope. Your vet can provide you with mange medicine, and check the skin, in fact the whole pig, to make sure there are not other problems. There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs at Forgotten Angels Rescue and Education Center website

You can use any lotion made for people on your pig. Corn Huskers is an inexpensive, non-greasy, and readily available brand. Many people prefer Avon Skin So Soft.

Pigs, like people, are all individuals. Some pigs have naturally drier skin than others, so some pig owners supplement by adding a tablespoon or less of olive or flaxseed oil to the daily pellets.