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Vets in Colorado

22 9:11:47

I have a two-year old female potbelly who is not spayed yet and needs some vaccinations. I have been looking for a vet who specialized in potbelly pigs since I got her, but have been unable to find one. I found a great site,, but they're link to vets in CO is not available. HELP PLEASE! Is there anyone in Colorado who specializes in potbelly pig care?

There's two CO vets listed on the Forgotten Angels Rescue and Education Center website, they are:
Kit Riff
9171 Hwy. 50 West
Salida, CO 81201

Meridith Campbell
5721 W. 110th Place
Westminster, CO 80020

Pigs-A-Sus Rescue is located in CO, these vets are listed on their website

1. Matt Braunschmidt, D.V.M. of Mesa Veterinary Clinic, 1124 Lane 20
Pueblo, Co 81006 (Phone) 719-542-6075

2. Dr. Ian Smith D.V.M. Grand Valley Veterinarian Service, Loma, Colorado, 81524
(Phone) 970-858-0290

3. Dr. Paul Grych, D.V.M. Amigo Animal Clinic, 510 25 Road, Grand Junction,
Colorado 81501 (Phone) 970-245-2010

4. Dr. Paul Bingham, D.V..M. Arrowhead Vets, Inc. 1620 L. Road, Fruita, Colorado
81521 (Phone) 970-858-8881

5. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Dr. Tim Holt (Phone) 970-397-1274