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rescued pot belly pig

22 9:18:53

We just got a pot belly pig from our local animal shelter he has been neutered but he is humping us and everything else and he is biting at us what can we do? and we put him in a lot with goats how do you think that will work??thank you

It takes about 30 days after neutering for the hormones to leave a pig's system, but the behavior should start to change after a couple of weeks. If he's still humping things after 30 days he may have a retained testicle, and will need to see a vet who is experienced with this.
The biting behavior is a sign of stress. Pigs are creatures of habit and a dramatic change in their environment can leave them feeling stressed and insecure. He is following his pig instincts and trying to establish himself as the dominant pig.
Until he adjusts to you, it's best to keep him in a separate pen. Talk to him, tell him what you are going to do before you do it. Say "Breakfast" or "Dinner Time" before giving him his meals, say "Touch" before touching him. Try gently tickling his belly as he eats while saying "belly rub". Pigs are very smart and he will catch on quickly.
There's a number of other factors that could be affecting his ability to adjust. Overweight pigs often have trouble seeing and hearing, so practically everything frightens or startles them. Clogged ears interfere with their ability to hear and also balance well. If he is in pain he will not be very friendly.
Once he is used to you, simple training is the best way for you and your pig to learn how to communicate with each other. There's a number of books available, I highly recommend Priscilla Valentines training book. It's available from Amazon, or, if you purchase it through any of the Pig Sanctuaries that carry it, the Sanctuary gets all the proceeds.
As for keeping him with the goats, a lot depends on the goats. Some goats are ok with pigs, others are not. Pygmy goats can butt very hard causing injury, large goats, like horses, can hurt the pig with a stomp or kick.