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my sparkys bad behavior

22 9:11:51

I have a 9 week old boy.Ive had him since he was 6 weeks old and am having a couple problems with his behavior. it seemed at first like he would easily be potty trained but then he started to pee inside and poop outside. sometimes he will also pee inside but more often he will pee inside. also i have tried picking him up but he just wont have it he screams and screams and sometimes poops himself. I thought he was comfortable with me because he lets me pet him and rub his belly and comes to me when i call him so i dont know why he still acts so afraid. its not so much that i want to be picking him up all the time but i just want to be able to give him baths and take him out for walks without him screaming so much. Another issue is in the mornings around 6 he wakes up and starts screaming and grunting i read that its not good to give in so i usually dont but he still wont stop. PLEASE HELP ME. i think its not too late for me to try to correct my sparkys behavior and i overall just want a happy piggy

Ok there's several issues happening here. Potty training, socialization, and behavior.

Little piglets usually don't know they have to potty until it's almost too late. The trick is to keep piggy in a confined area near the litter box. A laundry or bathroom, large closet or small bedroom all work well. Put his bed in there, too.

Make him go potty in his potty box before breakfast, after breakfast, before coming out to play, as soon as he wakes up from a nap, before and after lunch, etc. If you have him out with you, don't wait longer than 90 minutes to take him back to his potty box to potty. Don't let him out of the box unless he potties, even if it's just a little dribble. When he's out with you, it can help to keep him on a harness and lead, so you can notice when he starts looking around for a potty spot.

To get him used to being held and cuddled, start by sitting on the floor with him in his space. Feed him only from your hands, no more food from a dish. Hold the food in your hands and let him climb into your lap. After a meal or two, start trying to hold and hug him as he eats. When he's comfortable with that, start lifting him, holding him while your kneeling, then hold him while your standing.

A better long term option for getting him in and out of the house is a ramp. Dr Fosters & Smith make very nice ramps. They are plastic, some are portable, and all work well for pigs.

Pigs live to eat. A piglet should get at least 1/2 cup of food per 15 lb of weight, divided into two meals. At 9 weeks of age, your piggy should be getting at least 1/2 cup of food per day. After piggy is comfortable being held, you can hold him, weigh both of you, then subtract your weight to find his weight.

Put piggy in his safe space with bed and litter box at night. Leave him there until breakfast. Ignore his screams. It may take a day or two or even three, but he'll quickly figure out that screaming doesn't help.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. Pris really understands how pigs think and why they do the things they do. She goes into the issues of potty training, socialization and behavior in more detail than I can here.