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Pig Poop!

22 9:15:17

Hi! I have a very general question: Do you know what the gastric emptying time is for Vietnemese Pot-bellied pigs? Also, do you know how long they can go without pooping (assuming they have limited to no feed intake)?
I have a recovering pig that was anorexic for about 3.5 weeks and has no abnormalities except elevated calcium (took to a vet and they even did exploratory surgery and found no impactions etc.) He's slowly starting to eat and poop again, but I was just wondering how long they could go without pooping, and how long it takes for food to travel through their GI? Thanks, appreciate any info!

It takes a couple of days for food to travel all the way through their system. Pigs usually have a lot of "stuff" in their bowels, they are rarely "empty". Even when fasting for 12 or 24 hours before surgery, they will often still have "stuff" in their bowels. So if your pig had nothing in his bowels, he must have had no food for a very long time. Goat milk is a great food for sick pigs, it is high in nutrition and very digestible.