Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > My first baby pig

My first baby pig

22 9:17:37

QUESTION: Hi, I tried Patricia but she was "unable to answer my question."
I have TONS of questions as I just purchased my very first pot-bellied pig, "Mrs. Hoggett" (so, in honor of my wonderful playmate, I'll go by her name if that's ok.)

Question #1: Is there ANY WAY TO DO A SEARCH THROUGH YOUR "QUESTIONS" PAGE to find that my answer might already be posted somewhere?

Question #2:  My baby is 6 weeks old (weaned at 5 weeks I think, so I do so hope I can compensate for the loss of her momma!) WHAT ARE HER SLEEP REQUIREMENTS at this age?  I don't want to leave her alone too long, but, on the other hand, I don't want to deprive her of sleep she NEEDS.

Question #3: Which easy-reading, user-friendly, INFORMATIONAL BOOK on these creatures do you recommend and do you know if Amazon or another EBookstore carries it?

ANSWER:  HA! We LOVE your name!
We will always strive to answer anyone's questions within 24 hours.
Pigs are our entire life...
I do not know how to search through this system. Since we are very busy answering questions and traveling, we do what we do best...but I am very low tech!
What pigs (of any age) do best it eat and sleep.
You will be AMAZED at how much they sleep....years ago I remember expressing my concerns with our vet. That was many sleepy pigs ago!
But exercise is important. A house pig should not be allowed to sleep all day...get them out and about, stimulate them.
Our #1 book, Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training" at our website,
Complete with fabulous color photos...a must for every pig owner. I wrote it because the rest of the books were not written for pet pigs or house pigs, and the special problems they incur. They were written by breeders who had no pet pigs in the house!
We have them in the bed:)
Amazon also carries it, "Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training" by Priscilla Valentine.
Or buy it from our website,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: P.S. I am disabled and considering training my pig as a Service Animal ( I will be adding your website as a link to mine! Do you have any specific links that you prefer that I should add as resources for my site?
Gonna go check on Mrs. Hoggett and probably give her a few hundred more kisses!
Have a good evening!

Awwww, thank you.
Pigs can make wonderful  pet therapy animals (google delta society).
A great website to add!
Service animals might be a challenge....they (pigs)  have little stamina, agility, and motivation, over a year or two of age,  but are the smartest of all four legged animals!
So, your pig would be the first....who knows?
You sound very smitten, and it takes a special person to appreciate a pig . They steal your heart, I could never live without one.
Wish there were more of us (sigh).