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Training Questions

22 9:16:09

Couple questions about my 8 week old ..
I'm having a hard time getting little piggy to go to the bathroom in the litter box.  Do you have any tips?  Right now there are pine shavings in there. When i take him outside on the grass..  He goes right away.  I even went out and picked up little poops and put them in his litter box to help him know that's where to go.  I'm just worried for while I'm at work.  He jumps right out every time I put him in his box to try to go.  We him in a little 6x6 area with the food and litter, and bed.  And when I come home..  There's always poop on the carpet

Also.. I've been trying to research on how much piggys should drink.  I put fresh water out every day and he doesn't even look twice at it.  No interest.

Last question..  When we go to bed, we put him in his nursery and we leave to go to sleep, and he squeals for about 20 minutes.  Which is fine..  I just feel bad.  Is he ok?  Will it get better?  He's just right down the hall.  I never give in and go get him because I don't want him to think it's ok to do that.

Thank you so much for any help you can give me.

First of all you should put plastic down over your carpet so when he does have an accident it won't stain.
You may need to cut out the side of the litter box so he can get in it very easy. You should also tighten down the size of his area to 4X4 until he starts using his litter box.
Then after several weeks you can enlarge it again.
I use pine pellets.  They are more absorbent and aren't as messy as shavings are.
He should be drinking water in small amounts all day.
How long has he been weaned?
As far as his squealing are doing the right thing by leaving him in his pen.
Good luck with him.