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2 week old mini pot bellie pig

22 9:16:09

We just got a 2 week old mini pot bellie pig and i neeed to know what would be best to feed it and how often.

A 2 week old piglet is very young to be away from Mom. Pigs do not wean their babies until they are 8 or 9 weeks old.

Goats milk or sow replacement formula are the best choices. Goats milk is available at most health food stores, the dried or canned versions are Ok.

Feed the baby as much as she will drink at room temperature or slightly WARM NOT HOT, in a shallow pan. Very small babies like yours will need to eat at least 3 times a day.

Start Baby on pot-bellied pig pellets as soon as possible.

Begin with Starter or Creeper pellets, and add one or two to the goats milk. Let them get soft and mushy before offering the food to the baby. Continue to add pellets at each meal over the next week until the milk/pellet mixture is the consistency of oatmeal.

At 4 weeks you can begin offering a few treats and some dry pellets along with the milk/pellet mush. Make sure the treats are in tiny pieces.

By 5 or 6 weeks, you can begin reducing the amount of goat milk until by 8 weeks baby is eating only the starter pellets.

The rule of thumb is that piglets should gain at least 1 lb per week. With very tiny piglets like yours, it's difficult to determine exactly how much food they are going to need. The rule of thumb is 1/2 to 1/3 cup of pellets per 15 lb of piglet per day, with a minimum of 1/2 cup per day. But, this formula is based on piglets weaned at the proper age. Many people prefer to free feed piglets (let them eat as much as they want) until they are about 12 weeks old.

Bottle feeding is cute, but can be dangerous because it's very easy for the piglet to inhale the milk, and once the milk is inside the lungs fatal pneumonia develops very quickly. So save the bottle for the occasional cute trick or situation where the piglet should get water but offering a water dish is impractical, such as on long car rides.