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Jumping potbelly piglet

22 9:11:56

Hi, I have a new potbelly piglet - she is 7 weeks old. She keeps jumping up against our legs, or if my son lies down on the  floor she will jump on his head. We have  two sausage dogs and she keeps jumping on their backs and biting their ears. Is this normal behavior for a pig so young? We got her last week Friday after the lady who ordered her didn't want her anymore.

Seven weeks is very young for a female to begin mating behavior, but it's right on schedule for a male. When piggy goes pee, does she squat and pee from under her tail? Or does she stand on all fours and pee from under the belly? If she's peeing from under her belly, "she" is really a "he", and that is how young, intact males act.

If, however, she is a female, then that behavior is definitely not normal or typical.