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sick pig after being spayed

22 9:15:17

I had my miniature pot belly pig spayed 3 days ago. She is vomiting and will not eat or drink. Is this normal after an operation? What can I do to help her? Thank you for your time.

ALSO meant to add, goats milk is great for sick pigs. It's high in nutrition and pigs love milk, so do try this, too. Offer it at room temperature, she may be more likely to drink it.

Has she refused to eat or drink for 3 days? If so, something is very seriously wrong. She should have been eating, drinking and peeing before the vet released her to you. You need to contact the vet at once and let him know that something is not right.

Did your vet give you oral antibiotics to give to her? If so, it's possible that's causing the tummy upset. Your vet will need to give a different antibiotic. If no antibiotics were provided, it's possible she's suffering from an infection and needs some.

If this has been going on for 3 days, your pig might struggling to recover from an overdose of drugs. Pigs metabolize slowly, sometimes, vets will give one injection, then, when the pig is not down, give a second. Pigs have a high proportion of body fat to muscle, the fat retains the drug residue and it takes much longer to flush from the system. Ask the vet specifically - what kind of anesthesia was used, how much and did they give a second (or third!) dose.

Sometimes getting the pig to walk around for a while will help the body flush the drugs. Other times, this may just make her more nauseated.

Try giving her something that's high in liquid and refreshing, like bits of watermelon. You may have to put the bits in her mouth to persuade her to chew them. Try anything you think she might like; fruit juice, chicken soup, unsalted crackers, rice.

Keep an eye on her body temperature, do not let her get too cold or too hot.

If she seemed fine when she came home, and these symptoms are new, then something else is the culprit. It could be something she ate, or a touch of the flu. Or, something may have gone amiss in the surgery.