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neutered pig

22 9:14:14

Our 4 month old pot belly pig was neutered 2 days ago. He looks like he is having a hard timing walking around and his back is very rounded when he walks.  Is this normal and how long should this last?  We took him to a local farmer to get it done. He has done many in the past.  Is there anything we can do to make him more comfortable?

There are anatomical differences between pot-bellied pigs and ordinary farm hogs. Did the farmer stitch the inguinal loop closed? If he didn't - or doesn't understand the question - then your pig needs to see a veterinarian at once. If a neuter is done incorrectly, the intestines can hernia, in the worst cases the intestines literally fall out of the body.

His back and walking problems are due to pain. When veterinarians neuter, they knock the pig out and operate on a sterile table. When farmers neuter, they hoist the piglet by it's back legs and chop. Pot-bellied pigs have fragile hips. Hoisting may have injured his back or hips or both. Veterinarians use pain-killing prescription medicine. Farmers usually don't.

A botched neuter job can kill a pig or leave him crippled for life. Because farmers have huge numbers of hogs and see them as a product, they expect some will not survive. Veterinarians understand that each animal is unique and important and treat them accordingly. Your pig should see a vet as soon as possible for pain medication, to make sure the surgery was done correctly, and to treat any damage to his back or hips.