Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > My baby boy

My baby boy

22 9:18:23

I got a baby boy.  He's 8 weeks old and eating solids.  I am working on potty training using a doggie door and putting him outside every time he eats or gets up from a nap.  It's going pretty well.  I have crate trained him so he has no problems being in his crate during the night and for periods during the day.  I am able to pick him up and carry him around.  I can pet him and he plays with both my dogs.  The problem I have is his incessant rooting on me (kind of hurts) and he nips me at times.  I tried redirecting him but he insists this is something he should do.  Any tips on how to stop this?  I let him root outside in the mud all he wants!  I also wanted to know when I bath him he absolutely hates it.  I tried several ways to make him more comfortable and realize he's ok but it's not working at all.

This is so common, expeespeciallypigs that have been deprived of being with their littermates/mother.
First of all, there is a reason behind it.
Piglets nudge on the sow to get her to let down the milk.
If she does get tired of it, she will flip them with her snout.
Also, pigs root the ground to get their first minerals.
A pig will nudge to get your attention, too, but usually this comes later on the ankles.
We have found that a quick, hard tap on the end of the snout AFTER saying NO NUDGE works well.
Wait for them to come back again and nudge (and they will, maybe as many as ten times).
Repeat the steps. Eventually they will come back and not nudge.
Reward with praise and fondling. This is the part most people forget.
You must be 100 percent consistent. This is deeply ingrained behavior and may take a week to cure.
It helps not to tempt the pig by holding it so its head is above your arm, there is nothing to root.
Again, praise the pig.
We like to verbally use Good Pig /Bad Pig when appropriate.
But again, consistency is the key.
Never tolerate behavior that you do not want to continue on a larger level.
But  the pig will pick up on it (new training)  and enjoy your praise.
The nudging will stop.
Good luck,