Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > my 7 week old pbp

my 7 week old pbp

22 9:14:44

I have had my 7 week old female pbp for a week. I have recently noticed that her urine is sometimes milky in colour and during her urination she passes a milky discharge. Also the pink part of her urethra/vagina,the part directly under her tail ,is covered in a white substance.Could you please tell me if this is normal. Many thanks.

No, this is not normal. Normal pig urine is clear to pale yellow. It should not be milky or cloudy. Spayed females and young piglets like yours should have no discharge. She may have an infection. She needs to see a vet, she might need antibiotics. There's a list of vets that treat pot-bellied pigs here