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Aggression and Loneliness?

22 9:16:22

Our pig, Phoenix, is almost 2 years old, and he has had a biting problem from quite an early age, he bites when he feels threatened, but also hungry, and sometimes for no reason. We keep in a 150 square metres  fenced area with sleeping place, shade, mudbath, ect. and we feed him once a day. We used to have him in our 1 acre garden, but we had to fence him in because he was been a bit destructive with the plants, he had dramatic hair (porcine prickles) loss when we moved him, but it is growing back. Unfortunatly we cannot get another pig. I also give him 20 minutes of attention everyday, sometimes more.
We do let hi out into the garden for a day twice a week though.

So my main questions are:
How can we get him to stop biting?
Is there anything we can do something about his loneliness?

Your pig is going through the "terrible twos".
A sharp shove to the shoulder and putting him in a time out may help with the agggresion. A cat as a pet for him will help lonliness but of course spending more time with him or buying another pig is best.
We have a 10 step aggression plan in our book "Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training" at
Good luck,