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Sick Pot Belly pig!

22 9:18:33

My mother has a very large pot belly pig(Tasha)that doesn't seem to be feeling very well.
At first, she wanted to lay down alot and wasn't eating that much and was constipated. She is now drinking, eating and going to the bathroom (we gave her prune juice). But she is walking as though she is in slight pain or off balance.  We think she has a touch of pnemonia too. We are looking for a vet but need to know what to do in the meantime. Tasha has been like this for a couple of days. Any advice on what to do would be appreciated...Thank You.

Until you find out exactly what is wrong the only thing you can do is keep her warm and comfortable. Canned pumpkin will help keep her regular. Make sure she drinks lots of liquids, offer her chicken broth or a drink of 1/2 fruit juice and 1/2 water. If the weather is cold, offer it to her at normal room temperature or warmed up slightly.. not hot! Keep her warm, make sure she has lots of soft bedding.
If she doesn't object, gently clean her ears with a dry tissue. The ear canal is very narrow and blocks easily, so don't dig deep, don't push anything in, don't use liquid of any sort. Use a tissue or paper towel, never a swab or Q-tip. It's possible something in the ear is causing her to be off balance.