Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > pot belly pig wants to eat at 3 am 4:30 am etc

pot belly pig wants to eat at 3 am 4:30 am etc

22 9:16:59

Aloha...I have a new little rescued pot belly pig living with me. She is really sweet and i love her. But she wakes me up in the middle of the night with her oinks and squeals because she wants 3 am - 4:30 am - 6 am etc...

i work at night at home and usually do not go to bed until after midnight so it is tiring being woken up again and again at these hours. I dont mind, but is this normal for them to be nocturnal eater?

thank you for your time

This is normal.
Soon it will be 2 AM that she wakes you , pigs tend to train us.
She is training you to feed her, using her voice.
NEVER give into a pig making noise.
TOMORROW I want you to feed her at 8 AM, NO MATTER WHAT!
YES, she will scream for hours! But in a couple of days, it will go away.
You need our book,
"Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training at
BE strong, we have all dealt with this,
Good luck, And THANK YOU for rescuing a pig!!!!!!