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mini potbelly baby has trouble walking

22 9:14:17

I have a 9 week old, female mini potbelly. 6 days ago, she developed what looks like Dippity Pig--not the lesions, just the dipping. She doesn't want to walk, and at times she squeals in pain just lying around. She lies down to eat, and she lies down in the litter box after eliminating. When she does walk it is very stiff and feeble. I took her to the vet on day 3, and the vet concluded her legs are ok. She would do xrays eventually if the problem persisted, but for now she gave my pig a Vitamin B shot and told me to give her baby aspirin. Since Dippity Pig should only last 72 hours, I'm concerned this is something worse. Do you have any ideas?

I have never seen or heard of a case of Dippity Pig lasting longer than 72 hours. But, I have heard of many pigs hurting their backs. I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet, but this sounds like something considerably more serious than Dippity Pig. If your piggy does not improve soon, do get the x-rays, and ask your vet about a NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), like Rimadyl, which will relieve inflammation as well as pain.