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Ears and skin

22 9:18:21

Good morning
My pig has some spots that I initally thought were just dirt after inspecting have found they are some type of skin lesions - blackish, crusty and raw underneath.  He also scratches his ears on items (trees etc.) until they are raw.  Thanks for your time.

Farm hogs often develop crusty black spots after a sunburn.

It's impossible to make a diagnosis over the internet. They could be irritation from insect bites, scratches, or sunburn. Or, they could be a skin parasite. Pigs rarely get fleas, but ticks can sometimes bite the soft, smooth skin under the armpits and behind the ears.

I suggest washing the affected areas and applying a soothing, medicated lotion. If it's a rash, sunburn, insect bite, or other sort of irritation it should clear up in a few days. Apply sunscreen and insect repellent to his ears when he goes outside. Any product made for people is ok to use. Pigskin is so similar to human skin that it's used for skin grafts to heal burns. Cats and dogs lick themselves, including licking off a lotion. Pigs don't lick themselves, so there's no danger of a pig eating a lotion off his body.

If you spot a tick, don't pull it off. The head will stay in the body and cause an infection. Use a cotton ball or tissue with rubbing alcohol to remove the tick. Use an insect repellent on the pig, and any good flea & tick treatment on his bedding.

If the problem doesn't go away,or if there are other symptoms such as an orange-y tint to the skin behind ears or under armpits or thick, peeling skin, your pig could have mange mites. A vet can diagnose and prescribe medication. It takes two or three treatments, given two weeks apart, to kill all the mites and eggs and break the cycle.