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Adding another potbellied pig to our family

22 9:15:25

We got a female miniature potbellied pig 1 1/2 years ago when she was about 4 weeks old. We were wondering if it would ok to introduce another female miniature potbellied into the family or not. We have plenty of space, but the pigs would have to to share that space. Any information would be great.

Yes, your piggy will enjoy a piggy friend - but it could start off rough! When new pigs are introduced to each other, they fight. It's their way of deciding who is going to be the Top Pig.

If at all possible, for the first day or two, arrange the pigs space so that they can see and smell each other, but not actually touch or reach each other. This will give them both a chance to get used to the other pigs sight and smell.

When the two of them finally meet, they may fight. Do not interfere, let them work it out between themselves. The squabbling may continue off and on for a few days.

Give each pig their own bed and food dish. It's human nature to want to shower affection and attention on a new pet. But that can hurt the first pigs feelings, so make sure to give her plenty of attention so she does not feel ignored.