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how to look after a pot bellied pig

22 9:15:26

I live in Scotland i found this site for pot bellied pigs
I am 13 and would love a pot bellied pig, i had wanted a dog but i would like something easy to train.
I've looked at the information and they seam like great pets
can you give me a detailed answer on how to look after them and how much they cost to keep and buy.
Could i keep it in the house like you would a dog ?
Are they clean and odorless like i read ?
I said to my mum "you know what would be a great pet, a pot bellied pig!" and she was like "yeah,sure" (sarcasticly)
but she was surprised when i told her how clean they were.
One of my friends lives on a farm and she has two of them, but they just stay outisde in a hut and pen, they just live like normal pigs would and haven't been trained or anything, so hers would be different from mine.
also do they have to live in pairs ? and how big do they get ?

Thank you :)

Pot-bellied pigs are smart animals, but that also makes them difficult indoor pets. They require a great deal of training and attention, especially when they are babies. Pigs can do just fine on their own, but single pigs living indoors sometimes have aggression problems when they reach age 2 or so.

I don't know what the rules or prices are in Scotland. My friend Gren, in the UK, has a piggy rescue, I urge you to contact him  He knows other people in your part of the world, and I'm sure he can help you find someplace near by to visit and learn more about piggies in your country.

The book I recommend the most is Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine, available from or her website . She really understands how pigs think, and it will give you a clear picture of what living with a pig is like.