Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > nose ring for my pot belly pig

nose ring for my pot belly pig

22 9:15:40

I want to have a nose ring put in my pigs nose to keep her from digging in the grass. I was told that this would help alot from a guy who used to have several of them when he was young.  what type of ring do I use and how big?

A nose ring will not stop your pig from digging up grass or rooting. Rooting is a natural, instinctive behavior.

To discourage your pig from digging up nice grass, give her a spot where she can snurdle around. Teach her to use that spot by scattering treats for her to find.

Nose rings puncture the cartilage inside the nose. They can become infected and lead to chronic rhinitis or deadly acute pneumonia.