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pain medicine for pbp,,,after dog bites

22 9:13:15

My 2 yr old pot belly pig was attacked yesterday by a plott hound dog. She was taken to our vet immediately. Her ear was almost completely tore off at the base. The vet had to completely remove her ear at the base. My Susie has some small teeth lacerations to her butt cheek as well. The vet advised 1 adult ibuprofen a day for pain. Susie does not want to get up at all. I do not blame her but she will not drink either. She will eat her pellets from my hand but will not get up. Please help me, can you give me any advice for her comfort. I want her as pain free as possible. My vet is a large animal vet but has never dealt with pet pigs before in this manner. How long can she go with out fluids, I have used a syringe to keep her mouth wet. She is an avid water drinker normally. I am a paramedic and I do realize the trauma of this event. I want to do whatever it takes for my pig to be happy and healed. We were working on becoming a therapy pig for the local hospital.  Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.. SusieQ. ( I can send a picture if it would help anyone else or with the treatment)

I'm sorry to hear about your pigs injuries. Dog attacks can be fatal. Survivors of dog attacks often loose their ears. Don't worry, with proper vet care she will heal up just fine and her hearing will not be impaired.

Pigs are often reluctant to drink after getting anesthesia or other pain medicines. Give her lots of wet foods, like grapes, head lettuce soaked in water, melon, etc. Mix her pellets with liquid like room temperature water or milk. Offer her any sort of liquid she might like, such as fruit juice diluted with a little water, milk, buttermilk, or even soda pop.

Sue at Little Orphan Hammies has experience with pigs who've lost ears in dog attacks. I suggest you contact her, she can tell you exactly what to expect and what to look out for. Her website is and you can reach her via email at

I hope your piggy heals quickly.