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New pigs

22 9:12:26

I just recently bought 2 sibling pots. They are 6 weeks old but have been weaned completely before I bought them. They arent eating or using the bathroom much. they are very close & still very skiddish when around us. The boy is starting to come around & get very close to me & smell me & sometimes let me rub his belly but when he tries to bite & pull at my clothes. Is this some kind of dominate thing? & when I am petting him as soon as the girl moves or makes noises he runs away from me & back to her I was wandering if would be okay to separate them when I'm trying to gain their trust or would it make them freak out more? the boy is calm while I'm holding him & taking to him as long as I'm in a different room & he can't hear his sister then he'll try to get away. When he isn't around her she goes crazy & thats the only time she'll go #2. He has yet to. they also pee in their water bowl. How do I get them to drink the water instead of using it as their bathroom?

Pigs are very her bound animals.  AS long as they have each other they don't need you!
It will be best to separate them if possible so they can't see, hear or smell the one.
If they were weaned properly they should be eating an drink well on their own.
Something that will help you tremendously is the Infinity Plus Training harness/Leash.  Just go to the web sites product page.  The feed is also a must if you want a healthy piglet.  The dished they carry can be attached to the side of the cage so they can't pee in them
