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how long before my pig becomes friendly

22 9:15:23

I just bought my pot belly pig, she is about 5 months old, how long does it actually take before I will be able to touch her without her running away? She is already used to me feeding her but when I go to touch her she runs away.

Piglets can be very hard to approach at first.  Here is what to do.
Go to and then go to the product page.
There you will find the Infinity Plus Training Harness/Leash.
This is the best method to teach your piglet confidence and trust.
Keep your piglet in a small area at first.  This is to prevent having to chase her.
Please make sure to have plenty of time before you start your training.
The Infinity Plus Leash comes with an instructional DVD and will show you how to give your piglet confidence and proper handling for training her to come to you.
Hope this helps,
Good luck with your new piglet