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pbp odor

22 9:13:15

Pierre is 2yrs old. We had him fixed when he was a few months old. Recently we have noticed a very strong smell. Can you please tell me what I need to do to fix this. I thought that would go away when he was fixed. Any info you have for me I would appreciate.
Thank You
Pamela Jones

Male pigs have a pouch called the preputial diverticulum, located in the middle of their belly. In intact males, this pouch grows quite large and collects all sorts of fluids. It makes a smell that female pigs adore, but humans generally don't like.

In neutered males, this pouch doesn't grow. But, it's still there and still collects stuff. When piggy is excited or upset, the pouch may empty.

If the smell is there all the time, the pouch may be infected. Wash it with warm soapy water and apply a little antibiotic ointment (any product made for humans is fine). Wash all his bedding. Sometimes pigs empty the pouch while sleeping, and odor could be clinging to his bedding and to him.

If the smell doesn't go away, or piggy shows any sign of problems urinating, or if there's any pus or blood around the preputial diverticulum, piggy will need to see a vet. There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs at