Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Should I make them calm down for their food?

Should I make them calm down for their food?

21 18:02:08

We just got two two month old American Guinnea hogs. They jump and squeal at feeding time and I'm wondering if I need to make them wait until they calm down. I'm thinking this is annoying and could be dangerous when they're big. We've had them a week and the last two days I've been blocking their food with a piece of plywood and waiting it out until they stop screaming. It's probably a couple minutes but feels like forever. The thing is I'm not sure they understand what I want. Is there a better approach? I'm feeding a total of two cups split into two feelings plus they're grazing and get some apples.
Thank you!

Yes, you are right that a hungry, over anxious pig could be unintentionally dangerous. You are doing the right thing by making them settle down before eating. Pigs are really smart, and they will figure out what you want.

You can help them along by telling them something like "settle down" while you are waiting for them to quiet down. Then when you let them at the food tell them "good settle down" and "good pig". Of course the food reward is the big thing for them, but they do like praise, and they'll pick up on the verbal commands, too.