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Mange and worms

22 9:17:59

QUESTION: I recently adopted a Royal Dandie pot bellied pig who is infested with mange and worms. Is it common practice for a breeded to treat the piglets for these things prior to sending them to their adoptive homes? At the very least, shouldn't a breeder advise the adoptive parents that these are potential problems, so they can be treated before they get out of control? We had a pot bellied pig for almost 13 years and never experienced any of these problems with him.

ANSWER:  A breeder should give the piglet at least one shot of Ivemectin or
Dectomax as a precaution before giving the pig to the new owner.. It is simple and fast. A reputable breeder does this as well as swine disease shots.
A piglet that is infested with mange mites itches, vey easy for a breeder to spot.
However, most diligent  breeders do not have mange or worms in their herd in the first place.
Prospective  piglet mothers are  usually treated 2 weeks before farrowing.
That way, any parasites are not passed on. Then, the piglet is given at least one shot, "just in case".
Good animal husbandry calls for routine treament of the breeder's  entire herd every 6 months for worms and mange. That way, it is not an issue in modrn medcine!
It is such an easy thing to prevent....sarcoptic mange mites....but once a piglet has them, they can be carried to other pigs, and even humans. If you itch, you probably have caught them. You need to see a vet. Also, clean your carpet or anywhere the pig has been....eggs will hatch.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I've already been in contact with our vet and he prescribed Ivermectin liquid for my piglet and two dogs. They will all have the treatment once a week for four weeks. Do you think that is sufficient? Is there a something I should be using on their skin as well?

My husband and I were both itching terribly and developed bad rashes, which led me to do research on the internet and to the conclusion that it is sarcoptic mange mites. We have treated ourselves with Nix, which is normally used for head lice but instead of using it in our hair, we used it on our skin. It helped the itch for a few days but now we are both itchy again. I've stripped my beds, taken all comforters and pillows to the dry cleaners, washed everything else in hot water and dried them in a hot dryer. I've vacuumed all carpets and cleaned my tile and hardwood floors with Lysol. Should my husband and I use the Nix again? If so, should we use it on our hair too? Should I have my carpets shampooed? Should I be using something else to clean my floors? How often should I wash the pig's and dogs' bedding throughout the treatment process? Or should I just throw it away and buy new bedding?

How long do you think it will be before we can safely handle the piglet again? He's very affectionate and prior to finding out about the mites, he was held and petted quite often. We'd even let him on our bed for short periods of time. It's very upsetting to not be able to hold him and give him the attention he craves. Our vet told us to limit contact with him for the time being.

I'm sorry for asking you so many questions but this situation has us pretty upset and having read your book, I know you can give us the proper advice.

Thank you so much for all of your help.

Washing everything in hot water and soap should help.
It depends upon the scope of your infestation.
I would not handle the pig much for 14 days. The injections work much better than the oral.
We do not reccommend oral in infected pigs. It is not as effective because it does not stay in the blood as long.
But, if you try it and all symptoms stop, you are probably safe.
For yourself, your doctor can prescribe Lindal, which is very effective.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine