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Pot Bellied Pig With Dhiarreah

22 9:11:29

I have a two day old pot bellied pig that just today has gotten diarreah and hes acting weak it has been really hot lately and i put him on my bed in his play pen close to a fan and it has seemed to do his energy level very well but hes still got diahrreah can i give him pedialit him being two days old because hes on multi-species milk and im going by the directions on the back of the bag but he's not eating as much ive given him iron-rich dirt and it helped alot also i just really would like to know if i gan give him pedialyte and how much can i give also whether i should get flavored or plain?

what are you doing with a two day old piglet?
He needs to be with his mother! can give him pedialite.  The unflavored is best as you can mix it with his formula too!
Did he get his mothers colustrum?  If not it is very doubtful he will survive.
you can e-mail me at my personal email.
Good luck with him,