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My Potbelly Pig is sneezing

22 9:18:03

I recently rescued a 5 month old potbelly pig and have had him for around 2 months. Over the past couple days, I have noticed that he has sneezed a few times. It's not a constant thing, but I wasn't sure if something tickled his nose like what happens to us humans or if he has an allergy or what? If someone could please respond with some experience or advise, it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks all!
PS. we live in southeast Texas; I dont know if the climate would make a difference?

Pigs do sneeze occasionally. Indoor pigs sneeze more than outdoor pigs. Aerosol sprays, scented cleaners, or powdered rug cleaners often make indoor pigs sneeze. Prolonged exposure to an irritating chemical or scent can give an indoor pig a mild runny nose.

Some odors cause a strange reaction, the pig will suddenly drop to the floor and roll or rub on the ground. Scented body sprays, perfumes, and aerosol air fresheners are most likely to cause this. The first time it happened to me and my indoor pig I thought my pig was having a seizure!

Outdoor pigs may sneeze when tearing into a fresh bale of hay or straw, or after snurdling around in water.

An occasional moist sneeze is Ok. For indoor pigs, you might want to try to figure out what is causing the sneezing, and switch to a different product or discontinue using it.

The danger signs are constant, steady sneezing, along with coughing, choking or wheezing; frequent heavy, thick discharge from the nose; a rattling sound in the chest; loss of appetite. If the pig displays any of these symptoms it's time to see a vet. Pneumonia is common in pigs and can be deadly. Atrophic rhinitis isn't deadly, but left untreated can cause a deformity in the sinus and snout.