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8 week old mini pot bellied piglet

22 9:13:28

hello, i got my male micro potbellied piglet today, and he
seems weary of us, i know we have only had him a couple of
hours, we have tried get him used to us with food and treats
but he seems to ignore us completely and when we tried to
stroke him he made a loud squeal as if we had harmed him, im
just wondering whether to leave him until tomorrow or try
and socialize him now is there any tips on house training
him at all? any advice would be lovely seen as im a first
time pig owner!

Your piglet has just been taken away from everything he's ever known and stuck in a strange, new place with strange, new people. It's a tough adjustment!

The best way to socialize him is to let him come to you. One person at a time should sit down in the room with him, very still. Let him come up and sniff at you. Feed him by hand instead of in the bowl. Put a pellet or two on the flat palm of your hand, let him approach and take them from you.

When he's comfortable eating out of hands, put the pellets in a bowl and start gently stroking him while he eats.

In the wild, baby piglets are not picked up or stroked, except when a predator grabs them to eat. So, they are not at all used to being held or touched the way puppies and kittens are.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. Pris really understands how pigs think and why they do the things they do. Her book covers potty training and more in much more detail than I can here.