Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Urine Woes

Urine Woes

22 9:15:39


I have a male PB who is now 5 months old.  He is neutered and was about 3 months old at that time.
He has been having issues with urinating every where. He had an infection and was treated by our vet for that but it still has not made a difference. I took him back to the vet and had his blood drawn and urine re-checked.  The infection is indeed gone and all blood tests are normal.  He will stand at his bowl of water and drink, it is coming out of him as fast as it is going in. The vet said that it can be a valve in the kidneys so to take his water for 18 hours.  It helped for about 1 day and he was right back to the same thing. We just repeated an 18 hour water withhold period and it didn't help at all.
Do you have any experience with this issue and if so what the heck does it mean.
Thank you.

Start training him all over.
Confine him with a litter box in a small room.
Water him by hand.
He has developed a bad habit......confining him should help when the box is so close. We suggest pine shavings or pine logs from Walmart.
Our book is at
Good luck,