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Dark Urine Color

22 9:11:30

My mini pig Kevin Bacon is just over 8 months old and when he was about 5 months he decided that he no longer liked to go into the litter box.  I think it had something to do with the lack of sure footing.  I tried to remedy the problem by buying a bigger box and adding a non-slip rubber mat but I think his confidence was broken.  Now he does his business on training pads.  It's expensive, but it keeps the mess off my carpet.

Being that the pads are white, I have noticed that his urine has an orange tint to it and has become darker.  His diet hasn't changed recently, although from reading the answers to questions on this site, 2/3 a cup twice a day of grain is a bit much? He doesn't seem over weight at all.

What could be causing the discoloration of urine?
Should I reduce his food intake? and if so, how? (gradually?)

I would also like to thank the experts for their time and patience with us piggy owners!  Your help is MUCH appreciated!

Hi Sara,
As far as how much you feed him depends on his size.  Instructions on feed bags are in general and you will need to use your own judgement.
If you send me a picture of your pig I will be happy to evaluate his weight and what you should be feeding him as every pig is unique.
My personal e-mail is
If his pee is dark it could mean he has a bladder infection.  That can be taken care of with antibiotics from your VET.  A change of feed may be required also.
We can talk more when you e-mail me.
Hope this helps,