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Varios noises my lil piggy makes and her dislike for guests

22 9:17:10

Hi! My little 'Weezey was purchased kind of on a whim because we were looking into the idea of getting a PBP, but when i saw the conditions my little darlin was in I couldn't leave her there.  So, we bought her at 10 weeks old (or so we were told, the vet thinks this is pretty close).  She is a delightful little gal.  She is well behaved for the most part, but lately has become aggressive with our house guests.  She will bark at them and bite their feet.  She even nipped at me when I attempted to correct her behavior by using her harness to direct her away from the person while telling her 'NO-That is Bad!".  I would never even consider getting rid of her, but I think we will all be happier when we work this out.  I also wonder about the various noises she makes.  Sometimes it is hard to decipher what she is trying to say.  There are the obvious 'give me food' or give me attention noises, but she has also begun making a chatter/sucking noise while moving her jaw in a side motion that reminds me of a cow chewing cud. I don't know if this is aggressive or happy because she does it at random times and I cannot link it to anything. Could there be a vitamin need she is not getting I have even wondered. Any ideas??
I have tried to give myself and my family a crash course in piggy care and appreciate any advice you may have.  I think we have the feeding part down and she gets plenty of time to play outdoors and root. She loves us and adores her true owner, my 4 year old son. Thanks in advance for your advice on how to make her an even happier little porker! :)

Please go to my archives, I answered the exact same question this week.
Pigs are herd animals that have a pecking order.
Since you have no other pigs, humans have taken their place and she wants to "spar" with anyone who enters the house.
Best that they (guests) do not retreat or act afraid, but ignore her.
We have 2 chapters on aggression in our book "Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training" at
Please consider this  book , and nip this behavior in the bud.
We have a ten step program for porcine aggression in house pigs!
BLESS you for rescuing this pig!
Take care,
Priscilla Valentine